Are night lights good for your child?
Are you sure you have the right night light?
It might seem small, but you might be doing more harm than you think.
You want your child sleeping through the night so they can grow big, smart and healthy.
Find the answer below.
Your own living room, a trendy fashion boutique and a weekend party. What do all three have in common?
🌞 Lights! 🌞
Imagine a cozy Sunday movie night with those buzzing office lights… no thanks. Shopping in the dark is a recipe for returns and it’s hard to imagine a good night out without some kind of crazy light show.
Does your little one sleep in the right setting?
As your kids grow, so do their imaginations. Enter… the monsters. Under the bed and in the closet. You’ve looked behind the curtains and the door but there are not monster butts to kick. Your child still can’t sleep and you’re running out of ideas.

Japanese scientists have confirmed that blue light is especially effective at keeping kids awake.
Sleeping with the lights on?
Most modern LED light bulbs might look like they give off a white light but are actually a mix of colors our mind thinks is white. While efficient, these bulbs actually give off a ton of blue light.
Instead of helping them sleep, you’re now helping your child stay awake. Which means more monsters…(or worse)
The right light
Like we mentioned above, blue light in the evening is not your friend. To keep your kids’ circadian rhythm in check, choose a night light with a warmer tone. To make your already busy life a little bit easier, we’ve put together our Bedtime Buddies collection for you.
Our buddies are not only super cute, but they’re designed with the best color combinations to help your little one get the sleep they need. As an added bonus, Professor Quack even comes with a built in timer so you don’t have to disturb your little one when it’s time to turn off the lights for the night.

Lee, S. I., Matsumori, K., Nishimura, K., Nishimura, Y., Ikeda, Y., Eto, T., & Higuchi, S. (2018). Melatonin suppression and sleepiness in children exposed to blue-enriched white LED lighting at night. Physiological reports, 6(24), e13942. https://doi.org/10.14814/phy2.13942